Sunday, 9 April 2017

Trying to delete a ?le results in an error that states the ?le or folder is still in use by another program or user

Description: This is a common issue that arises when trying to delete ?les, particularly large volumes of ?les. Windows can�t delete a?le when it is being used, so this error message willappear. It can appear when deleting anykind of ?le or folder, and it will appear if even one ?leor folder among the many you�re trying to delete is in use.

Affects: Windows XP/Vista/7

Solution: Usually this problem occurs simply because you�re trying to delete a ?le that�s in useby another program you have loaded but forgot about.Shutting down the program with the currently open ?le will solve the issue in most cases. In somerare instances, however, you may ?nd that you still receive the error. If you�re certain the ?leneeds to be gone you can try using a program such as Unlocker to circumvent the error, or youcan try rebooting into safe mode.
For Downloading Please Click Here

  Ever had such an annoying message given by Windows?

  Unlocker is the solution!

1. Simply right click the folder or file and select Unlocker

2. If the folder or file is locked, a window listing of lockers will appear

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